In third grade, Tom and his classmates began taking long, difficult, year end tests. Tom has noticed that these tests seem important to his teachers because they make a big deal about getting plenty of sleep and eating breakfast before the "big test days." Tom and his classmates never heard much about the results of the first tests at the end of third grade. He does remember that many of the questions were confusing and he knew he was guessing on some questions. His teacher had said not to leave any blank and to try to pick the best choice. "If you don't find a best choice, pick C."
At the beginning of fourth grade Tom was happy to see many of his old friends in his class. The new teacher was more demanding and the teacher's tests became harder and harder as the year went on, but Tom enjoyed his classmates. Fourth grade was pretty much an extension of third grade in Tom's mind. He had learned in third grade that report cards or test grades didn't mean much after a day or two, so Tom paid little attention to them. In fact, when he brought home a note from his teacher about needing extra help at home from his Mom in arithmetic, she just said, "It will all work out, just do your best."
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