Tuesday, March 31, 2015

He cannot get off the conveyor belt; he may as well enjoy the ride.

     As sixth grade begins Tom understands the routine.  Every year he gets a year older, every year he moves up with the class.  Every year the classes get harder and his grades never improve.  He gets remediation time with the other kids who are behind.  Tom realizes that nothing seems to change, so why bother trying harder.  Tom is on a conveyor belt designed and controlled by adults.  He might as well ride along.  What happens is up to them.
     Sixth grade is different.  Tom now knows what to expect.  He also knows that despite his efforts every fall to improve his grades in order to avoid removal from specials in the middle of the year, his efforts will fall short.  "Why try," he thinks to himself.  Tom makes the obvious choice; one might even say, the logical choice.  Since this is all out of his control, he may as well forget about trying so hard.  A year from now he will enter seventh grade, followed by eighth and then high school. The conveyor belt will keep moving him along.
     Tom has not kept the required academic pace over the years set by the state standards, but he has learned how the system works.  Each year he is another year closer to eighteen.  History has shown Tom that he will not keep up with the academic pace set at school.  The additional hours of remediation stolen from the "specials" only served to narrow Tom's experiences at school.  School is not fun, but Tom concludes he has no choice but to survive it.  At eighteen he will leave; his mind is made up.  He has no idea what he will do when he leaves school and that's fine with him.  All that matters is that his time on the conveyor belt will be over.
     As sixth grade begins, Tom has concluded that he's just not smart enough to keep up in school.  It's a relief.  Tom can accept his reality.  As other kids work to keep up and do as they are told, Tom can relax and do what he likes.  The future is clear to Tom.  He will be done when he is eighteen; from now until then, he just needs to get through each day.  He cannot make time move faster or slower.  He cannot get off the conveyor belt; he may as well enjoy the ride.

Monday, March 30, 2015

It didn't matter who you were or what your last grade was; you had a voice in Mrs. Ravert's world.

     My fourth grade experience followed my third grade very nicely.  While Mrs. Bensen must have been a tough act to follow, Mrs. Ravert, a young teacher, was wise beyond her years.  She took full advantage of working beside her experienced mentor.  She made no attempt to copy her.  Instead, she shared the same goals and beliefs; being every bit as authentic.  She was the best Mrs. Ravert she could be, continuing the momentum established by Mrs. Bensen.  They were teammates, playing different positions perhaps, but shepherding us forward nonetheless.
     Where Mrs. Bensen was always on her feet, moving purposefully about the room, setting a fast pace; Mrs. Ravert was visibly more relaxed, expecting her fourth graders to be deeper thinkers.  Mrs. Ravert transitioned us from the teacher driven expectations of Mrs. Bensen to a student-centered environment, expecting us to engage in projects and activities with fewer rules and more synthesis.   While Mrs. Bensen was buzzing around keeping everyone moving forward on their personal path, meeting students were they were; Mrs. Ravert did more problem based learning.
     Looking back now, I would say that Mrs. Ravert was inverting Bloom's taxonomy.  She would calmly sit at her desk, or lean over her podium, then ask a vague, open-ended question.  After asking the question, she would go to the board and calmly write the question on the board without saying another word.  This was her way of managing "wait time."  She had trained us in the process.  The question was never beyond our reach.  Everyone could have an answer and no answer was necessarily right or wrong.  These were not recall questions.  These were grow your imagination questions.  Every day began this way and every transition from subject to subject worked this way.  No one could possibly be unprepared or embarrassed because she formed the question in a way that made it safe.
     Imagine a teacher looking out over the class, making eye contact with each student as she asks a question.  She writes the question on the board in silence, turning to make eye contact with a student or two as she writes.  She puts down the chalk, signaling that it is time for us to have a response.  More eye contact as she slowly leaves the board to enter our space, no longer a Sage on the Stage, but now a Guide on the Side.  "What do we think?"  "How do we feel?"  "What are we imagining?"  Remember, the question is not recall.  It might not even be a question.  It might be a sentence that introduces a setting or character, followed by the question, "What do you think is happening in this story?"
     Think about it.  Nearly thirty fourth graders on the edge of their seats, waiting for the teacher to ask a question that would stimulate thought, discussion, imagination, visualization, creativity, and self-directed learning.  It didn't matter who you were or what your last grade was; you had a voice in Mrs. Ravert's world.  She didn't need to call attention to the rules or behavior issues as the day began or we moved to a new subject.  We were looking forward to the question as if it were a reward for us.  We were growing our imagination again and again as we thought and discussed a wide variety of topics each day as Mrs. Ravert's questions gave us voice.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Tom has a bad case of conveyor belt blues; what's a Mom to do?

     In earlier posts I described life for Tom, now a fourth grade student who has done poorly on annual high stakes tests and been put into remediation.  Unfortunately, Tom is feeling the impact of a conveyor belt that has one speed.  He has not been able to catch up.  He and his Mom have met with the principal, but both are showing the strain of his circumstances.  Rather than feeling energized, excited about the future, Tom feels his world is full of limitations.  Rather than imagining possibilities, dreaming about what life holds for him, Tom just goes through the motions.
     Every few days Tom's Mom asked if she could help him with his homework or talk about how things were going with arithmetic and reading.  She began reading more at home herself, hoping to be a good model.  Tom showed little interest in extra effort.  When he felt pushed by her, he reminded her that he was already missing the afternoon "specials" and working harder than ever at school.  Tom's Mom could see that his grades on unit tests and his report card were changing very little.  Maybe Tom just wasn't ever going to get good grades.
     The end of fourth grade came and summer began.  Tom and his Mom were thankful for the break.  Tom had that familiar sinking feeling about the year end tests, but summer was finally here.  Fifth grade brought a fresh start, including afternoon "specials" for all once again.  Tom seemed to feel better about school.  His grades did not improve, but that didn't seem to trouble him.  Mom was thankful that he was pretty much back to his old self, but she worried about the first report card and where he might be headed in January.  In her mind, Tom was almost too relaxed about things.  Surely, he must see that he was not making sufficient progress?  She met with the Principal again before Thanksgiving.
     The Principal agreed that Tom seemed happy.  He also agreed that Tom needed to get more serious about grades.  They reviewed the data from the third and fourth grade year end tests.  The remediation efforts after January had shown little improvement in the trend of Tom's scores.  He was as much below grade level at the end of fourth grade as he was after third.  There was little doubt that the January assessments would put Tom back into remediation for arithmetic and reading once again.
     By the end of fifth grade the pattern and mindset were well established.  Tom's report card and year end state tests told the same story.  He was not "proficient" in math or reading.  Tom and his Mom began to verbalize what they had suspected for a year, Tom just wasn't going to do as well as some of the other kids in his grade.  Some kids have it, some don't.  Or, maybe some just catch up one year, others catch up some other year.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

School leaders will go a long way to building believers on the faculty if they take two steps to change the existing paradigm.

     Both Steven and Tom are developing fixed mindsets.  Steven, because good test scores are coming easily; Tom, because they seem out of reach.  In my last post, I described my hall of fame third grade teacher, Mrs. Bensen.  I would argue that if these students had been with Mrs. Bensen forty years ago, things would have been far different.
     One key question leaders face today in education is how do we encourage teachers to be more like Mrs. Bensen?  With testing pressure and so-called accountability standards pushing teachers toward test preparation, away from engaging, problem based learning; is it even possible to emulate Mrs. Bensen?  Yes, it is, but it takes authentic leaders who provide great communication, supportive teams, frequent positive reinforcement, and a well designed plan.  It simply will not happen with half measures, top-down edicts, and mixed messages.  The talk is easy, walking the talk, persuasively, is difficult for school leaders.
     In our state, and most states, we now have teacher evaluation systems putting heavy weight on student test score improvement.  In this environment, asking a teacher to set aside this fact of life comes across as duplicitous.  It will take more than an occasional pep talk to move a teacher out of the relative comfort of the teaching style they are in, whatever it may be.  The fact is, the school leader is, in all likelihood, asking the teacher do something he or she never had to do as a teacher.  They both know it; and they may both have their doubts.  At a minimum, it is uncomfortable for both.
     School leaders will go a long way to building believers on the faculty if they take two steps to change the existing paradigm.  First create horizontal and vertical teams whose mission it is to build and support the process.  When teachers see the peers with whom they work on board with them, they see that they are not alone on the journey, not being singled out, and perhaps emboldened, sensing that "they cannot afford to lose all of us."  Horizontal teams put teachers of the same grade level or course together.  Vertical teams put teachers together who will share student cohorts longitudinally over time and are in the same general discipline.  Vertical teams benefit greatly by working out plans for prerequisite skills and sharing data and experiences with specific students.  Horizontal teams are actively engaged in real time with the same children across or within disciplines, providing flexibility for differentiation and just-in-time remediation.  Some schools think they have teaming, when what they have is tribes.  There is a difference.
     The second step in changing the paradigm is planning success.  Success can be designed.  We need the will to create and execute the plan; but success can be designed.  Plan design in this case will require a clear definition of process.  Leaders must include the teachers in the plan from the beginning.  In fact, the plan must be the teachers' plan.  The role of the leader is to keep the team focused on student-centered learning for engagement and problem solving.  The leader does this by asking process questions that challenge the team to create an innovative plan that everyone truly shares and cares to implement.  A key question for the leader to ask is, "What roles do you want me to play?"  Another is, "How will we know our process is on track in the first week, second week, and beyond?"  By asking these questions, the leader is visibly transferring ownership of the process and its oversight to the team of teachers.
     This is about changing habits and building new ones.  Even the most committed teachers will struggle with the change of habits.  Outcomes follow process.  The process is the focus.  Early, consistent implementation of the agreed process steps is essential.  Everyone on the team must own both implementation and oversight.  The leaders role is not oversight of the process, it is support.  Oversight must be truly owned by the teachers as a self-managing team.  The team needs to hear questions from the leader that asks them to reflect on their plan and process implementation.  The team needs to see and feel the leader supporting them, not telling them.  Teachers in this scenario will be skeptical in the early weeks, expecting the leader to be the first to cave in.  In a future post, I will suggest an alternative to teaming as the first step.  Perhaps a slower path with the same ends in mind.

Friday, March 27, 2015

The high stakes test environment does not encourage student achievement nor does it encourage authentic teacher creativity.

     What do I remember from third grade?  Mrs. Bensen, high expectations, authentic feedback on my work, and baseball; that is what I remember.  I entered third grade in the fall of 1961.  Living just sixty miles north of Yankee Stadium, my summer was spent following Roger Maris and Mickey Mantle chase Babe Ruth's home run record.  My dad had seen Ruth and Gehrig play often when he was a boy; taking the train to games with his grandfather.  We shared a love of baseball like only a father and son can.
     Mrs. Bensen, my third grade teacher, was nothing less than a hall of fame teacher.  Close to retirement, but with the energy of a speeding train, Mrs. Bensen had a way of getting all of us to stretch to new heights every day.  Good was never good enough and we all loved it.  We loved her for believing in us before we believed in ourselves.  Not only would she do anything to help us each improve in all of the subjects, but she also expected to turn us all into polite, productive citizens.  Mrs. Bensen took responsibility for our academic growth as well as our development of what we now call social and soft skills.
     We had twenty-eight in our class and Mrs. Bensen had a capacity to know how each of us was doing in every subject all of the time.  She naturally differentiated her lessons and our activities, getting the most from everyone.  Her two greatest tools were specific, actionable feedback on our work and her relentless, demanding energy level.   She was able to set a pace that worked for the brightest among us as well as those who struggled.
     By the time we entered third grade some of us were reading Robert Louis Stevenson, but others had fallen behind grade level in second grade.  Mrs. Bensen understood that this was normal, she'd seen it for years.  She took it in stride.  Her mission was helping us each grow.  She knew we could.  She knew we would.  She created the environment that allowed it to happen.  She didn't need summative assessments or unit tests to tell her how we were doing.  She always knew because she lived it with us.  She knew when to push and when to ease up.  It was the most demanding year in school one can imagine and we wouldn't have missed it for anything!
     I would argue in any era, more teachers should be like Mrs. Bensen.  What makes today different is the message sent by the high stakes tests.  In the third grade of today, the student reading Robert Louis Stevenson scores high on the test, while the student who fell behind grade level in second grade scores poorly.  Without the high stakes test, Mrs. Bensen's students all felt pride in their personal growth; their individual achievement promoted a growth mindset.  With a growth mindset, the student who fell behind is more likely to catch up before seventh grade; albeit maybe not all in one year.
     In the high stakes test era, the student who fell behind grade level in reading goes on to the next grade with the stigma of the poor test grade and the fixed mindset despair it promotes.  Additionally, the high scoring student may also adopt a fixed mindset, thinking high achievement is fixed so why bother trying to grow.  Moreover, the pressure on teachers and administrators for immediate test score improvement leads to a stifling cycle of pre-tests, remediation, post-tests, more remediation, grouping, re-grouping, and all the rest of the latest fads and fixes.
     No question, the Mrs. Bensens are hard to find, but they can be developed.  It is more likely, though, when the environment supports energy, creativity, low stakes failure, personal growth, and student achievement.  Paradoxical as it may sound, the high stakes test environment does not encourage student achievement nor does it encourage authentic teacher creativity.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Meet Steven; he's learning that some have it, some don't.

     Steven was born within a few months of Tom in the same year; this placed him in the same grade at school.  At twelve, Steven is in the sixth grade, too.  Steven has also learned through experience that how he performs in school has no impact on his grade level.  Each year Steven gets older and each year Steven moves to the next grade.  Yet, Steven's school experiences have been very different from Tom's.
     When the year end tests came along in third grade, Steven also noticed how important they were to his teacher; but when they were over and summer came, he gave them little thought.  Steven never felt pressure at school or at home.  He enjoyed school; neither tests nor grades ever gave him any stress.  As fourth grade eased into fifth grade, and fifth into sixth, Steven never gave grades much conscious thought.  He was comfortable with how things seemed to proceed at school.  He never noticed much beyond the fact that he enjoyed his friends and teachers were friendly.  At home, Steven's Mom and Dad praised him and often told him that he was bright and would be able to do whatever he liked when he grew up.
     Steven did notice that during the year some students, like Tom, missed some of the fun stuff and stayed behind with the teacher.  Once or twice, Steven can remember one of the kids asking the teacher about that, but since Steven never stayed behind like Tom, he never gave it much thought.  Steven knew that school was easy for some and hard for others.  That's just the way things were.  Either way, he, Tom, and the rest of their classmates were still in the same grade together year after year.  They all arrived together in the morning and left together in the afternoon.  Some kids, like Steven, got grades like A or B, some didn't; that's just the way things are, right?  Some adults are bankers, some are barbers.  Some kids are into sports, some aren't.  Some kids go to college, some go to work at the supermarket.  To both Steven and Tom, it looked like it didn't seem to matter if they tried hard, or slacked off at school; one year looked pretty much like every other year.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Imagination is what inspires a child to become an adult beyond their current circumstances.

     Why grow imagination?  What's the big deal?  Children already have plenty of imagination.  Look at all the imaginative ways they find to get out of chores and avoid homework!  We need to hold their feet to the fire.  We need annual tests in reading and math to make sure they are keeping up.  If they can't keep up in elementary school, things only get harder in high school.
     We need to grow children's imagination because that is how they grow as healthy human beings.  Imagination is what inspires a child to become an adult beyond their current circumstances.

Imagination is what inspires a child to become an adult beyond their current circumstances.

Imagination is what inspires a child to become an adult beyond their current circumstances.

     Yes, I meant to repeat that line again and again.  A member of our community recently shared a key story from his childhood.  We are on a planning team together dedicated to "pathways to career readiness."  As our team worked through the meaning of "pathways," Stephan shared this observation.  "When I was in fourth grade I wanted to do something with computers.  Computers fascinated me.  I needed school to give me a pathway in fourth grade, that would have allowed me to follow my interest in computers."
     Stephan, with this one story, ignited our team's work and helped us see "pathways" as not just road maps to a career, but "authentic experiences that to enable a child to grow imagination."  We can become what we can imagine.  The central purpose of public education is to grow the imagination of children; enable them to see a world beyond their present circumstances.
     It was not important to Stephan as a fourth grader that he have a career in computers.  What was important was that his desire for knowledge and experience be met by the adults and school available to him.  If his interest had shifted to forestry, or carpentry, or astronomy public education needed to shift with him.  In fact, public education should be providing students frequent, authentic experiences in a wide variety of fields before children ask for them, before they even know that they exist.  Oh yes, and not just children of privilege, children who score well on tests, children who are polite, children who sit still, children who do their homework, children who eat their breakfast, or children who earn good grades; all children need to grow imagination beyond their current circumstances!
     Children live in a world created by adults, particularly in elementary school.  Is school  growing imagination in a dedicated, purposeful way?  Is school narrowing the world into a tunnel of despair or a vast expanse of pathways to new and exciting adventures?  Tom, the struggling elementary school student is learning to hate school, as it methodically narrows his world.  In the next post we will consider another student's situation as he also develops a fixed mindset thanks to his breezing through the same tests that have sorted Tom out of "specials" into "remediation."

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The frequent sorting and messaging of the test administrations that is driving the fixed mindset culture.

     How does my fourth grade experience compare with Tom's from the last blog post?  How does yours compare?  Were your formative years in elementary school a narrow path of test prep, followed by test, followed by remediation; repeat?  In an earlier post I mentioned the conveyor belt our students are on today in relation to retention and social promotion.  Forty years ago my classmates and I went from year to year as a group.  Despite the perception that being "flunked" or "held back" was an option, it was not reality.  We all moved on together.  So what was different?
     We had six flexible years to grow into readiness for seventh grade.  Yes, some students routinely seemed to grow at a slower pace, but not in all areas and not all of the time.  We were given time and space to try new things.  We were not expected to march together through a pacing guide toward a standardized test.  I learned to read quickly and moved on to challenging books before many in my class, but their reading skills were nurtured along, too.  Our teachers naturally provided differentiated instruction without the specter of annual standardized tests.  Without recognizing it at the time, we were all working from a growth mindset.  Teachers and students celebrated the steps of the journey.  It never felt like a one speed conveyor belt, though we all were headed in the same general direction toward the same goals.
     Before annual high stakes tests, some would argue that students and teachers dealt with a narrower curriculum versus the widening curriculum of today.  For a moment, let's put aside the cliches and subjective judgement of one or the other.  Instead, let's consider the impact of annual testing, whatever the depth and breadth of the curriculum.  Annual high stakes testing forces a one speed fits all conveyor belt on everyone and sorts students with every test administration.  Everyone is sorted, but everyone moves up a grade level with age, regardless of the academic achievement.  Contrast this with an era when no one was sorted, everyone moved up a grade level with age, and teachers had the time and flexibility to meet the needs of all students across a six year span of time as their brains developed and their social skills matured.
     It is the frequent sorting and messaging of the test administrations that is driving the fixed mindset culture.  Students look around and decide that they are in a smart group or a dumb group generally or specifically by subject.  This sorting and student decision-making begins early with devastating impact.  All students suffer, not just those seeing themselves in the slower groups.  When a student who does well on high stakes tests in early years develops their own fixed mindset he may begin to assume that achievement will be automatic in the future, missing out on skill development and learning.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Tom begins remediation; his Mom feels helpless.

    In January, Tom's fourth grade teacher began to change his routine.  One Tuesday, after the pledge of allegiance, the teacher explained that they had reached the point in the year where it was time to see where everyone stood compared to the end of year expectations.  They took a long arithmetic test, followed by a reading test after lunch.  By the end of the day Tom was tired and pretty depressed.  The tests were hard, but at lunch some of his friends had said the arithmetic was pretty easy.  In the afternoon he noticed that some of them finished the reading test much faster than he did.  In fact, when the teacher gave them the ten minute warning, he had to guess at some questions that he hadn't been able to even read about just to finish on time.  All of a sudden fourth grade was looking much harder than third.
     The next day began like Tuesday had never happened.  Just like those third grade report cards and test scores, Tuesday's long day of testing was in the past.  No one needed to tell Tom that he had not done well on the tests.  He knew that the arithmetic was a blur after the first few questions.  On the reading test he recognized some words as vocabulary words from class, but he still didn't know their meaning.  He didn't even understand some of the questions asked in the reading test.  Of course Tom saw his grades on the class tests his teacher gave during the year.  He knew that most of his friends had better grades and probably did better in the Tuesday test.  Like his Mom said, "It will be okay."  It was okay until after lunch.
    Afternoons in fourth grade was the time for recess and what the adults called "specials," things like chorus, computers, library, gym, and art.  Wednesday afternoon, the day after those Tuesday tests, "specials" took on a new meaning for Tom and some of his classmates.  Two afternoons a week the students who did poorly on the arithmetic test stayed behind for extra help.  Two afternoons a week the students who did poorly on the reading test stayed behind for extra help.  Tom found himself in both groups.  He went home Wednesday and told his Mom he hated school. Thursday his Mom made an appointment to see the Principal.
     At the meeting the Principal showed Tom's Mom the data from the third grade tests and the Tuesday arithmetic and reading tests, explaining that Tom was not showing sufficient progress.  The afternoon interventions were part of a statewide plan to keep students on track for what the Principal called "on time graduation."  Tom's Mom was struck with fear.  "Would Tom be held back in fourth grade if the scores did not improve?"  The Principal assured her that students were not held back, but adjustments had to be made to get Tom and some of his classmates "up to speed" with the state standards.
     As Tom's Mom left school that day she felt disabled and lost.  Tom was a good boy, well behaved, healthy, energetic.  What had gone wrong?  How would he cope with this setback?  What could she do to help?  She understood the Principal, but wasn't there another way?  

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Growth Mindset: Alternative to the Binary Choice

     In my observation, today's student is learning from experience that achievement, particularly individual achievement, may not matter for them.  They get a year older, take more tests and move to the next grade with their age group.  Pressure is on teachers to produce good, consistently good results on the high stakes tests of their students.  Administrators know that funding and jobs depend upon test results.  Students see a world around them where those who achieve due to hard work are invisible; while the visible holders of wealth are famous due to their celebrity, audacity, or physical prowess.
     I'm not supporting retention over social promotion.  I am saying it is not a simple binary choice as some would suggest.  There must be another option?  Educational research is rich and deep on both sides of the retention debate.  It is also rich and deep with regard to the mistaken assumption that all children should be placed on a conveyor belt that has one speed and lasts twelve mind-numbing years.  So why do we continue to use the conveyor belt?  It is all we know.  It worked for us (depending upon how one defines "worked").  To do something else would mean accepting far too many variables, questioning too many time-honored practices, raise questions of equality versus equity; and, perish the thought, possibly cost more in the short term regardless of long term gain.
     Or, perhaps the something else means embracing a growth mindset.  In future posts I will reflect on my experience as a student.  Not only do I support growth mindset theory, but I suggest that it has deep roots in the 20th century and even the earliest days of public education.  In my next post, we return to Tom's situation in the fourth grade of the present, the high stakes testing era, where regardless of test performance, children learn a fixed mindset.

Annual High Stakes Tests and The Fixed Mindset

     In my first post I suggested that I would blend my experiences and observations.  In the second I asserted that the central mission of education is to grow imagination.  In this post and a few that follow, I will to describe the situation a twelve year old might find himself or herself in today.  I think you will agree that it is far different from mine forty years ago.   For ease, let's call the student of today, Tom.  At twelve, Tom is in the sixth grade.  Tom has learned through his experience and his observation of other, older students, that how he performs in school has no impact on his grade level.  Each year Tom gets older and each year Tom moves to the next grade.
     In third grade, Tom and his classmates began taking long, difficult, year end tests.  Tom has noticed that these tests seem important to his teachers because they make a big deal about getting plenty of sleep and eating breakfast before the "big test days."  Tom and his classmates never heard much about the results of the first tests at the end of third grade.  He does remember that many of the questions were confusing and he knew he was guessing on some questions.  His teacher had said not to leave any blank and to try to pick the best choice.  "If you don't find a best choice, pick C."
     At the beginning of fourth grade Tom was happy to see many of his old friends in his class.  The new teacher was more demanding and the teacher's tests became harder and harder as the year went on, but Tom enjoyed his classmates.  Fourth grade was pretty much an extension of third grade in Tom's mind.  He had learned in third grade that report cards or test grades didn't mean much after a day or two, so Tom paid little attention to them.  In fact, when he brought home a note from his teacher about needing extra help at home from his Mom in arithmetic, she just said, "It will all work out, just do your best."

Saturday, March 21, 2015

The central mission of education: grow imagination

     Why is growing the imagination of children my interest?  Doesn't every child have an active, growing imagination?  If they don't, what can someone else do about it?  As I type, I'm thinking that there may be dozens of questions like these.  I suppose that is my point.  Let's think and write about why growing children's imagination matters.
     As I reflect on my own early imagination, it is clear that it often sprang from my childhood experiences.  My dad and grandfathers were all volunteer firefighters in small towns.  I readily imagined myself as one, too.  My dad introduced me to a pathologist who let me shadow him for a day.  For about four years I was convinced that I would be one, too.  One of my grandmothers was a teacher.  I easily saw that as an occupational option for myself.  One of my grandfathers was a retail marketing representative for a major wholesaler.  My first career was in retail management.
     My second career is in education.  I was a scoring supervisor and project manager for one of the "assessment" companies before earning my license to teach.  (Yes, that does sound backwards to me, too.)  I taught middle and high school math and social studies for seven years.  For the past three years I have been Lead Teacher at our high school.  I'll leave that job description to your imagination.
     Growing the imagination of children is the central mission of not only educators, but also the community at large.  When we succeed in that mission society advances.  When we fail in that mission, children and society decline into ill health and worse.  Think about it.
     Accepting growing the imagination of children as education's central mission puts many other issues into perspective.  I'd like to hear from you as I continue to share my ideas.  Please comment.

A little about my reasons for this blog.

     What are your fond memories from your childhood?  Do they include playmates, schoolmates, siblings, cousins, parents, teachers, other adults?  Did you dream of being a famous athlete, astronaut, entertainer, doctor, lawyer, firefighter, or farmer?  How active was your imagination?
     I was fortunate to have a comfortable childhood; some would say, "idyllic."  I was surrounded by loving, nurturing adults who encouraged me to dream.  My parents and grandparents always had time for me.  They encouraged me to give my best effort, treat others fairly, try anything that interested me, and achieve goals I set for myself.
     My teachers were creative thinkers who saw each child as a gift to the world.  They felt a calling to serve our needs; but through the mission of helping us develop life skills that would serve us, whatever the future held.  My goal with this blog is to blend my memories and experiences with my observations and suggestions in a way that promotes an authentic dialogue with you; a dialogue centered on today's children and growing their capacity to imagine.